Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Timing is EVERYTHING!!!

Patience and timing are everything! I've been shooting for a while and day by day I am learning so many new techniques picking up the latest equipment (with in budget) and I'm constantly learning that a great photographer is patient and can wait for a shot for hours.

While I attended San Jose State University, I was a staff photographer for The Spartan Daily. I covered sports, mostly football and swimming. You would think that I would have to be quick on my toes to capture amazing shots but to be honest some of my best images came when I was patiently waiting and waiting and waiting. I was so focused that it didn't even occur to me that I had been sitting there for 10 to 15 minutes with my camera pressed against my face. Its as if the rest of the world behind me didn't exist and it was just my camera waiting for an image to preserve a moment in that athletes life. I'll never forget the first time I saw my image in the paper I was more than proud.