Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Falling back in love...

I was 10 years old when I picked up my first camera. There's something about losing yourself in the art of photography that got me. I know everyone has a story, but as a child I was always looking for an escape, and photography was that for me. It wasn't until I went to college that I actually started thinking of becoming a photographer and making it a career. Now as an adult I have the pleasure of capturing these moments in a persons life that should be cherished for a lifetime.

As you can see I love natural light... I don't really like the harshness of a flash or the over-the-top production of a lighting set- up. I use lights and flashes but when I'm taking pictures of families and events in peoples lives like a wedding a graduation or a birth of a child; I just know how important it is to show the honesty of it all. The pureness of the moment that a light or a set-up stage just can't do. I'm not a photographer that is all about the money and searching for that gig that will make me a quick buck. It’s so important to me that my customer receives a product that you can't get from a friends point and shoot. It’s something others can look at and say wow that's beautiful. I live for that moment, that I can provide love through a photo.

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